Saturday, November 28, 2009

Thanksgiving at Nanny and Bumpa's

The Hargrove's had a fantastic Thanksgiving break. Aden and I got some bonus "daddy day" time. Aden's daycare/pre-school was shut down during two days prior to Thanksgiving. We got to hang out a bit at the park and see Aunt Caity. The three of us went to the Therapeutic pool in Waterville and had a lunch buffet at Pizza Hut. On top of those 2 extra days, I got a compensatory day off on the Tuesday before Thanksgiving. Aden and I used this to go to the pool again and play around town. On Wednesday Aden went back to daycare so that I could have a day with Mommy, Ciara that is. We had an early appointment at the Women's Center to hear the heart beat and take vitals. The baby is doing spectacular as is Mommy. We then went to Augusta, hoping to find a decent brunch, but were disappointed. We settled for a bagel and breakfast sandwich before heading to Railroad Square for a movie - "Pirate Radio". It was fantastic, with great music.

On Thursday morning, Aden, Ciara and I got ready early. We picked Caity up at about 9:00 and went to breakfast at the Gov's. Aden was enthralled by the model train that circled the dining room. We arrived at Nanny Noonoo and Bumpa's place before noon and well before dinner. Cousin Simon, Siobhan, and Layla arrived from Boston shortly after.

Later on Aunt Aiofe and Unlce Josh arrived. Uncle Connor took a hiatus from his thuggery to watch some football with the family.

My mother-in-law, a.k.a. "Nanny", "Noodles", "Noonoos", "Noodies", and "Cora", wisely used previous strategies with my mother, telling her 2:00 when dinner was planned for 4:30. Grampa Clair and my mother a.k.a. "Nanny", "Nanny too", "Grand Marnier", "Nanny two" arrived with plenty of time to spare. Notice the resemblence between my mother and a Margarita....hmmm.

Aden woar himself out before dinner started....

The rest of us enjoyed a beautiful spread of Turkey, Ham, Salad, Creamed Corn, Broccoli and Cheese, Stuffing (Dressing if your Irish), oddly only one potato dish and a slew of desserts including a delicious Pumpkin Ginger Ice Cream and Caity's Pecan Pie. After dinner, the kids played. It was nice to see the interactive fun.......

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. With the exception of Black Friday, it is a clean holiday, devoid of commercail motives - other than eating and drinking. I'm looking forward to Christmas at our house. Aunt Emily will be home from Colorado (go Broncos!) with her new beau.

Aden Turns Two

Aden's second birthday was on Thanksgiving. Ciara and I made plans to take him bowling on Black Friday. None of the family seemed to have any interest in the "normal Black Friday calling. Noodles Thought it would be fun to have Aden and Cousin Layla help in making the cake.

Ciara said that after 5 cupcakes Aden wanted to eat the tasty treats. That wasn't the point however so we had to find a diversion.

Uncle Josh and Aunt Aoife were not going to make to bowling, but they brought over a present for Aden....the perfect diversion.

Thank you Aunt Aoife and Uncle Josh!!!!!

Cousin Layla, possibly the cutest 3 year old in the world, joined in the gift giving and delivered a few surprises herself. The new challenge became sharing between two toddlers with all the new toys around....
Finally we pack the car with the troops and headed to 1-7-10 Bowling in Augusta. I was initially a little concerned about how it would go... my concerns were put to rest by an endless cycle of toddlers whipping, throwing, rolling, nudging and dropping little balls in the general direction of candle pins.

Brandi and Chris, who watch Aden during the week, were there with their two kids, Lindsey and Michael, and niece Hailey.

Aden, having spent some good quality time with Cousin Layla, finally got to eat some cake.

Ciara's friend Crystal, her husband Mitch, and their daughter attison were also able to make it and enjoy the day. Finally, the kids wore out the ball return machine. While the manager was repairing we took some time to open some presents. Aden's preferred technique was to delay self-gratification and wrip the wrapping paper into small pieces, methodically revealing miniscule glimpses. This drove my mom nuts as she was anxious to see the present that she had gotten him.

Even though it was Aden's birthday, I had a blast watching the kiddos who had a blast and the parents enjoying the time with their families. A fantastic day.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Mom's Birthday

After a disappointing referendum season in which the citizen's of Maine voted to deny same-sex marriage, the family gathered at Mom's new favorite Mexican restaurant. She had been trying to get us there for over a year to see the Mariachi band perform....again. Well the moons aligned and her birthday fell on a Friday, freeing us a bit from our normal evening routines. The food was great, company even better and boy did Aden like the band.