It was a Mommy, Daddy, Aden, Rylan, Basker and Aden day!!! We go camping and I get marshmellows, and chocolate and crackers!!!! But I don't sleep in tent I sleep in my own red sleeping bag!!! It was a really really really long drive. I had to go pee pee on the road so I don't get my undies wet.

Rylan was upset so Mommy came a sat with us. Basker helped Daddy drive but he was tired and fell asleep. Oh nooooo!!

I helped get wood to make a fire. We need a lot of wood to make a fire.

Mommy put up the tent.

Rylan ate dirt.

Then I made.......sausage.

Daddy used the camera to take pictures.
In the morning I taught Daddy the right way to go pee pee.

We went to see a light house but I took a little nap.

I like purple flowers.

We went to Canada and saw fast water....

a pretty house...
and Whales.... They're sooo cute.

Then we got soda.

I was scared.

The baby seals were so cute....

And a boat with purple sails.

There was BIG BLUEBERRY!!!

Ahhh and little baby blueberries...
I have to go pee pee now. Bye.
Nice job with the blog, Aden!
It looks like you guys had a fabulous time. Looking at your pictures makes me want to go up there RIGHT NOW! And it was really clear and sunny! You are lucky... When we were there it was overcast and rainy for most of the time, but I guess that's somewhat normal for that area.
Hope to see you soon!
This is a great post. It reads like a children's story! Ya know....except for the pornography. You'll never get Amanda that way. She is much more subtle.
Seriously though, it looks like you had our old campsite. I rmember that view!!!!
Aden, it looks like you had a lovely vacation- but remember no one wants to see you dad's bum, except maybe your mom. Keep it clean, buddy.
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