The last post was back in February. Long story short....We went to Burlington with the Fahey's over April Break. Had a fabulous time. We got back and Ciara started up with Track and a multitude of concerts for school. So we were very busy juggling. School ended well. I went on a great camping trip in the White mountains with two friends from school. We had a black bear in the camp as a high light.

More recently, Ciara and I are hosting a teenager from France. Marie arrived late July 4th. The first night was rough as Rylan and Aden were both tired and cried for the first hour of the ride home. The last hour, we were treated to fireworks along Route 201 from Augusta through Winslow.

The last few days have been very hot. Marie joined us at my mother's pool on Monday and then a day at Lake St. George on Tuesday. Lake St. George is one of my favorite spots on earth. The water is almost crystal clear. We rented a canoe and paddled out to the rope swing.
After a rough day keeping cool on the lake we ventured to Belfast for gifts and post card to send back to France. We also bought some lobsters and mussels for dinner.

This is Marie's first visit to the States, yet she dove in to the seafood dinner. Any pure blood
Mainer would have been proud of her skillful and confident
We followed the meal with some Needhams (chocolate covered coconut) and a small dish of Gifford's Lobster Tracks Ice Cream. Ciara says that tomorrow will be in an indoor day since we've been in the sun for the past two days. In this case, Mommy knows best.
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