We had an outstanding Thanksgiving weekend with my mother and Claire, in-laws Dan, Cora, Caitlin and Conor, and good old friends, Brian, Lauren, and Jack. We were all hoping that baby Hargrove would make a dramatic holiday entrance. It was not to be however and our guests had to return home. Monday the 26th marked the official begining of Ciara's maternity leave. She woke up with me at about 5:3o in the morning, sad to see me go. Home alone, Ciara realized that her relatively subtle 4 minute contractions had evolved to acute 20 minute contractions. She called me during my lunch break and we spoke of different positions and relaxation techniques. She called back at about 1:30 announcing that the women's center had told her to check in with the birthing center.

I raced home after school; together we dashed to Waterville and the birthing center. The contractions were consistently getting closer: 10 minutes, 8 minutes, 6 minutes. We got to the hospital and found out during the pre-labor evaluation that Ciara's cervix was completely effaced though only 2.5 cm dialated--the same as it had been for the past 2 weeks. Neither one of us really thought that this was it and the nurse advised us to stay and walk around. We would be admitted when Ciara dialated to 4 cm. So we stayed, Ciara nervous that the pain and discomfort wasn't actually "it". Nurse Laurie came back at 5:30 and to our delight we had hit that mark. The cell phone was out in an instant- Dan & Cora were on there way and so was Audrey. Caroline called-she had a jump on everybody having left Boston on an impulse. Nurse Laurie estimated that it would be at least a 10 hour tour, so Ciara and I set course to weather the storm of contractions.
Ciara went from bed, to bath, to peanut shaped exercise ball and
back to bed. The contractions
maintained the avalanch-like pace; steadily increasing in frequency and, as measu

red by the wails and screams that could
be heard in the waiting room, intensity. Baby's heartbeat was strong, strong, averaging 140 beats per minute and Ciara was reaching her pain threshold. Twice, thrice she asked me for pain medication, each plea I parried citing her excellent breathing and relaxation techniques. The last one could not be ignored the nurse on the spot checked Ciara: "Your cervix is gone".

Her cervix was gone and it was barely past 8:00 p.m. So much for a 10 hour tour. Caroline walked in the door and was just as quickly dispatched...its a good thing it was her and not my
mother for I think Ciara would have eaten her. The nurse
confirmed that Caroline and my mother were in the waiting room, but there was no word from Dan & Cora. There was a whirlwind of activity as the nurses set up the room moving things in and out according to need. Ciara was asked if she felt like pushing and so she did.

The doctor arrived and soon enough we could see the membrane of the amniotic sac. Ciara was pushing and breathing and hugging me like never before. The door opened and in came mumsy Fahey. The nurses did their best but nothing was going to stop her from getting to
her baby. Ciara shifted her legs, perfected the push and I became a daddio: 8:39 p.m. on the 26th day of November in the year 2007.
He is beautiful, and we are so happy for you guys. He looks like you Jess.
Love and hugs,
From Snowy Rodman
Wait wait, you could SEE the amniotic sac? Was he born inside the sac cuz I've heard of that happening? Either way congratulations guys. Nice full head of hair on the little guy.
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