It was a Mommy, Daddy, Aden, Rylan, Basker and Aden day!!! We go camping and I get marshmellows, and chocolate and crackers!!!! But I don't sleep in tent I sleep in my own red sleeping bag!!! It was a really really really long drive. I had to go pee pee on the road so I don't get my undies wet.

Rylan was upset so Mommy came a sat with us. Basker helped Daddy drive but he was tired and fell asleep. Oh nooooo!!

I helped get wood to make a fire. We need a lot of wood to make a fire.

Mommy put up the tent.

Rylan ate dirt.

Then I made.......sausage.

Daddy used the camera to take pictures.
In the morning I taught Daddy the right way to go pee pee.

We went to see a light house but I took a little nap.

I like purple flowers.

We went to Canada and saw fast water....

a pretty house...
and Whales.... They're sooo cute.

Then we got soda.

I was scared.

The baby seals were so cute....

And a boat with purple sails.

There was BIG BLUEBERRY!!!

Ahhh and little baby blueberries...
I have to go pee pee now. Bye.