Summer of 2008 was Ciara's and my first anniversary. No better way to celebrate than returning to a place special to the family and where we got married....Ditch Plains Beach, Montauk, New York. Aden was just under a year at that point but already breaking hearts.
When we got back from Montauk, it was time to transition back into fall. Ciara and I got ready for school and Aden eased b
Shortly into the fall Nanny and Bumpa secured a house in the coastal town of Friendship for the weekend. It was a beautiful stay and will probably become a regular family activity.
The school year goes by so fast. I had a ton of meetings between school and the planning board while Ciara had concerts galore between school and her Community Choir. We were able to steel some time in February for a trip to Burlington, one of my favorite cities in the nation. I was initially disappointed to not get a room at the Willard Street Inn; they don't allow guests under 12 years, and Aden wasn't event 18 months. We found ou

Aden enjoyed the independence of being able to walk on the streets and sidewalks. Church Street, which is closed to traffic, was ideal. Music played outside the shops and the people were instantly taken by Aden's charms. We went to the Aquarium, a fantastic exhibit to rival any big city collection. Aden was a little scared of the turtles but enjoyed the water exhibits.
The next day we did several tours including The Teddy Bear Factory, Cabot Creamery and, of course, Ben & Jerry's. Next trip we hope to see some breweries.
We returned to school to finish out the year. It wasn't long before we had decided to go to Ireland during summer break. Ciara's cousin Ben was getting married, a perfect opportunity to introduce Aden to the rest of the family....oh and drink some whiskey.
Ciara and I rented a house in Scotland. We did our best to see what we could, taste the haggis, sip the the whiskey and breath the wind. We were astonished in both Ireland and Scotland for the blistery 90 degree days. We survived the heat, driving on the opposite side, and RyanAir. While there we had the fortune of great hospitality from family and friends. Thank you Stacey and Brendon for dinner drinks in Dublin. Thank you Nanny Noonoos for the tour of Dublin, including all the churches you went to and the nearby pubs.
Upon return to the states Ciara set up an OBGYN appointment to confirm a spring suspicion. We got that confirmation towards the end of July. Aden would be getting a baby brother or sister.
Over all the events, travels, holidays and family gathers, I have learned that there are 4 categories of pictures we have of Aden regardless of where we are or what we are doing: Tired/Sleeping, eating (usually with a bonus snotty nose), laughing, or crying.
I'm looking forward to future fun.